Toddlers are like homeless people

In some ways Molly’s a lot like a crazy homeless person: she collects trash when we’re out on the walk, she pees and poos in public places and she’ll only take a bath if someone runs it for her. In addition to this, I’m just witnessing her stuffing her face with yesterday’s cold rice from a styrofoam delivery box.


How to make mama feel very uncomfortable

Molly had interesting conversation with a random American lady in her kindergarten today:
-You have a big belly! (Straight to the point!)
-Yes, that’s my trousers and my zipper, see? (The lady’s cleverly trying to distract)
-And this? (Poking at her belly)
-That’s my body. (Smart move, lady! But…)
-You have a baby up there? (Bang!)
-Not this time.

All I did was smile very awkwardly. I think the lady handled the situation much better than me.