Appreciative baby

Oskar’s a very appreciative and thoughtful baby. He expresses his gratitude for everything I do by giving me the only gifts he can.

I feed him – he poos.
I burp him – he poos.
I put him to sleep – he poos. 
I change his clothes – he poos.
I change his pooey nappy – he poos.

Sometimes, while I’m changing him, if he thinks I’m doing an exceptionally good job, he pees on me, on himself and on the rest of the room.

Then, to thank me for cleaning it all up – he poos.

It’s nice when you find yourself entertaining

I was tidying up the kitchen with my back turned to Molly when I heard her laugh out loud. She was taking sips of water and spitting them back out.

I thought I probably shouldn’t encourage her to play with food but it did seem like a lot of fun so I was torn between telling her to stop and laughing along. I chose to smile with my back turned away from her. Until I decided that her happy, throaty laugh and that moment, in general, were too precious to miss just for a sake of discipline so I took out my camera and filmed it all.

Lost in translation?

A neighbour commented today on “how big our son was” and the woman whose dog Klara sometimes plays with told me that “our boy has really nice blonde hair”.

It doesn’t bother me at all that people mistake Molly for a boy, but I talked to these particular people about Molly at least 10 times in the last year. Maybe my German’s way worse than I thought.

Molly’s first birthday

A year ago we woke up in a hospital next to a tiny, wrinkly, helpless baby, feeling very confused about what to do with her. Since then we’ve been watching her grow and learn and change a little every day while learning and changing ourselves.

It was the most challenging and amazing year.
We love you, Molly. You’re great. Happy first birthday!
