How to know if your cold’s really bad?

I took this test (after I wrote it) and the result amazed me!
Is your cold really bad or are you just being whiny? Take our quiz and find out!
Do you:
a) wake up in the middle of the night realising how underrated breathing is and how you’ve always taken it for granted
b) get five nose bleeds a day on average from blowing your nose over-enthusiastically
c) literally carry a roll of toilet paper in your bag in fear that you might run out of tissues
d) feel like you can’t think because the snot has taken up all the space where your brain used to be
e) all of the above
It turns out I have a bad cold!

Everything’s horrible

Molly’s feeling unwell and everything seems to make her cry. Us not having any yogurt at home or her having to take some yucky medicine are pretty much understandable reasons, but it’s difficult to take her seriously when she cries because the bed’s not pushed all the way to the wall or, the best reason ever, because the tears come when she cries.

Love is all around us

I was in a terrible rush this morning because I was running late for my doctor’s appointment. That resulted in me waving goodbye to Molly at the daycare and then blowing a kiss to her caregiver. After I just did that, I felt very self-conscious and embarrassed so I attempted to make things better by waving at the caregiver. Which was immediately followed by me, completely unconsciously, blowing her another kiss! She seemed fairly confused so she gave me a little wave and a weirded out smile. Molly, observing this adult exchange, ran back out to me, also wanting a kiss.
This morning started off with kisses and love all around.

First night out of the cage

Last night we took three bars off Molly’s crib so that she can go in and out of her bed on her own.
It seemed like a great idea in theory and this is how it went in real life:

19:30 – Molly really liked the idea of being able to go to bed on her own so she announced that she was going “Night, night” and happily got into bed.
19:40 – Very quickly she realised that we expected her to sleep once she gets to bed so she changed her mind and wanted to watch a cartoon.
19:50 – After an episode of Peppa Pig, the second attempt to get her in her room seemed successful and we were very pleased.
19:55 – Molly freaked Jay out when he realised that she was silently standing in the doorway, just staring at him.
19:57 – Back to bed, doors closed, a lot of screaming and crying. We tried to be tough on her and let her cry for a bit, hoping she’ll give up soon. Even though she didn’t try to open the door again, when Jay eventually went in, he found her in tears, just standing in the middle of the room. A heartbreaking scene.
20:05 – Another Peppa Pig and by now it was already quite late. Back to bed, Molly!
20:15 – After a bit of crying in bed, she eventually gave up the fight and fell asleep.

06:30 – Molly woke us up by loudly requesting milk. As I walked through the room to open the blinds, I stepped on something soft and strange. It took me a second to realise that I was standing on Molly’s arm as she was lying on the floor, under the armchair! It took a lot of self-control not to let out a frightened scream but Molly didn’t seem bothered at all. She even cheerfully wished me “Morning!” from her new sleeping post.
I thought that went really well.

As far as I’m concerned, as long as I get my 8 hours of sleep and she stays in her room, she can sleep on the changing table.

We have a bilingual child!

After waking up from her nap, Molly had a story she urgently needed to share with me. The only parts of her serious babbling which I could understand were Croatian words “Zeko kaka!” I understood the words, but I wasn’t sure what it was she wanted to communicate. After telling her twice that I wasn’t sure what she was trying to say, Molly switched to English: “Rabbit poo!”
That explained nothing, but I was pretty proud that our daughter can name animal poo in two languages.