My time spent with the baby can best be described as me waiting for him to fall asleep followed by me waiting for him to wake up, several times a day.
Tag: sleep
No energy at all
When your four year old wakes you up at 5am by saying “I have no energy at all” it makes you wonder if he’s ever actually grasped the concept and purpose of the day, night and sleeping.
Why not sleeping is good
So many positive things about a 16-month-old toddler still not sleeping through the night!
Here are just a random few:
-you get a great cardiovascular workout by getting out of bed every couple of hours;
-you exercise your patience by trying to calm down a wriggly toddler and stay calm yourself;
-you develop intellectually by reading in the middle of the night while waiting for your child to stop singing;
-you get to spend so much more time with your lovely precious baby who’s growing up so fast;
-you have a constant source of inspiration for your blog posts which bring you closer to your friends…
Thank you, dear Molly, for not allowing me to waste my time on stupid stupid stupid sleep. Who needs sleep? I hate sleep.