Be careful when swimming!

When you’re jumping around the public pool, while holding a baby who can’t swim, and the top of your bathing suit falls off, it’s very useful to have your kid hug you on demand and hold on tight until you get dressed elegantly under water.

Good thing Molly was in a hugging mood, I would have otherwise shocked all the Turkish men standing around the pool.

Meeting the farm animals

GoatWe read about them in lots of books, but today at Lara’s birthday party, Molly finally got to see some of the farm animals in real life.
She wasn’t very impressed.

Time spent petting a goat: 30 seconds.
Time spent opening and closing the gate next to the goat: 6 minutes.

It would have lasted forever but she was chased away by a long-haired naked boy who probably just went around naked so people wouldn’t mistake him for a girl.

Train of thought of a tired mind

Train of thought of a tired mind, right after putting Molly to sleep, while emptying the dishwasher: “It’s really great that we have so many plastic dishes so the noise doesn’t wake Molly up… It’s weird that they thought about not waking babies up when making plastic dishes… Oh, they didn’t… They’re actually plastic so they wouldn’t break… Why would they break though? Why aren’t all dishes plastic?”

I should stop talking to myself.

Poo confusion

I tied Klara to one of the benches near the playground while Molly and I ran around. After a few minutes, I saw an angry woman approaching me, asking if something something something was mine.

Assuming she meant Klara, I said “Yes, but I made sure she wasn’t directly at the playground,” thinking that was what bothered her. She asked: “And you’ll just leave it there?”

I was surprised, realising that she was actually worried about the dog being left alone. So I said, “Oh, we’re leaving soon anyway, but she’s used to waiting for us, she doesn’t mind.” The woman looked utterly confused but not angry anymore. After a few long seconds of looking at each other in silence, she said “Oh, you’re talking about your dog! I was talking about the dog poo on the grass!”

That wasn’t mine, but I’m sure that dog poo didn’t mind being left alone either.

Night train to Croatia

Taking a night train to Rijeka. After we already took off, they told us that we’ll have to change onto a bus in Ljubljana at 6 a.m. (and then travel to Rijeka on a bus for two hours!). I was very annoyed but my parents said they were picking us up at six and Molly fell asleep easily so I’m feeling better already.

I’ll use this rare opportunity of sharing the bed to get some cuddling time.